Created to Bloom
was launched in 2005 with a desire to help people move forward in their lives.
We are all created with a purpose in mind, but life circumstances can strangle out, like weeds in the garden, our potential to be what God created us to be.
The purpose for counseling is to point towards truth and help you bloom as a healthy and whole person. Examination and healing of wounds, choices, and unhealthy patterns bring life, not withering condemnation.
Our hearts and souls, like a beautiful flower, need to be tended to. It takes work and sweat to achieve a beautiful outcome. The soil in a garden must be prepped, tilled, fertilized, planted, weeded, watered, pruned and have the adequate amount of sunlight.
Our souls are no different and yet we give more attention to a flower that will fade.
You were created to bloom and grow in beauty, without fading.
"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom." Unknown